What Would You Do? Your Partner is Body Shaming You in Idaho
What would you do? What would you do if your significant other questioned your weight? Outside of the obvious answer, which is to hit them, how do you follow up after that? For the record, do not hit your significant other. While things aren't like they use to be and being curvy or thicker is more accepted today, there is still a body image many of us thrive for. We may set a goal for ourselves, have an image in our mind, or maybe somebody is encouraging us to shoot for a body type. Whatever the reason, what would you do if someone questioned your body type?
Calling Out Your Partner's Body
Recently, a friend of mine had her husband question her weight and eating habits, and the effect it had on her was a little discouraging. She decided to change her diet, stop eating lunch, and her confidence seemed lower. When something like this happens, there are multiple ways you can respond. You can fight back and argue with the person and put them down, you can do what my friend did and try to adapt, or you can even leave the person altogether. There is a happy middle ground, and that is where you need to try and end up.
Confidently Accepting Criticism in a Healthy Way
With body image changing from what it used to be, these types of criticisms seem to be lessoning, but there are still many of us that want to be skinny, more muscular or change something. Hearing it from a friend or spouse is not ok though. Mirrors exist and we can see ourselves. It is up to us what we want to look like, and nobody else should have an opinion. If you are happy with what you see then own it, but if you aren't then ask for help to change it if you need motivation. People need to keep their opinions to themselves, and that includes your partner unless you ask for it.
My friend stopped eating, and that was not acceptable. She is still struggling, and hopefully, her husband gets the smack he deserves. If someone approaches you and mentions you need to lose weight, gain weight, build muscle, or whatever, make sure to ignore them and appreciate who you are and what you got. If you were my friend though, what would you do?