10 Signs to Let You Know You are in Idaho
Idaho is one of the most beautiful and natural states in the United States, and it is an amazing place to live. There are beautiful mountains, tons of wildlife, beautiful waterfalls, rivers, and so much to see and do outdoors. For anybody that moves here, there is so much to see and do, and also some things to adjust to. Each state has unique things that individualize it, and Idaho is no different. There are a few things that one sees, that can only be seen in Idaho.
This Sign Explains it All
It seems like common sense, but this sign having to be posted in a men's restroom, is something you will only see in Idaho. It is funny enough to make someone smile, but also leads to a reminder that there is a reason that it is posted. Make sure not to spit anything into the urinal.
Kittens in a Purse
This story could turn into things you see at Walmart in Idaho, but recently a woman was offering kittens in a purse outside of the store in Twin Falls. I have seen kittens in a box, but never someone with them in their purse. She was selling them to anyone that wanted one, but it was a first for me, and something I have only seen in Idaho.
Ice Carving Festivals in Idaho
While some things on this list may be odd, ice carving is not one of them and is one of the coolest things about living in Idaho. If you have not seen what people can make out of ice, you are missing out. Some of the sculptures up in Hailey this last winter were stunning and amazing. It is one of the things that makes Idaho winters a little bit more fun.
Gordy in a Hot Tub
If you haven't seen Gordy in a hot tub yet, then you are doing something wrong on the internet. It doesn't take long living in Twin Falls to find out who Gordy is and to see his infamous videos of him chatting away in his hot tub, or somebody else's hot tub. It is a tradition in Twin Falls every year and is a sign that Highway 30 Music Fest isn't too far away, or it may just be a random Sunday.
The Smells of Idaho
Most people not from here think of Idaho smells and think of the mountain air, the fresh smell of the forests, and the nice smells of mother nature. Those people haven't driven through the Magic Valley and smelt the cow manure, the factories, and everything that has you pointing fingers at each other when it is the natural smells outside. There are some smells in Twin Falls that burn the nostrils, but the mountain air and forest smells can be found as well.
Trampolines in the Ground and the Air
With the wind in Idaho, trampolines can be a dangerous thing to own. Many people commonly bury them in sand, dirt, or some cases concrete. For those that don't weigh their trampoline down, don't be surprised when your neighbor ends up with it, or if you are sharing it atop your fence when the wind decides to pick it up and move it. Nothing says Idaho, like a flying trampoline.
Blue Gear, Blue Fields, Blue Everywhere
Living in a state with no professional teams, but a major college team means that most of the state supports that team. Due to having no other major teams, most people in Idaho are Boise State fans and show their support loud and proud. It is not uncommon to see more than half of people wearing some sort of Boise State gear. If you haven't been to a football game or seen the blue field yet, it is worth the price of admission alone.
Fry Sauce With Everything
For outsiders, it may seem a little odd at first, but for true Idahoans, fry sauce goes with everything. They sell it at most restaurants, it flies off the shelves, and anything can be dipped in it in Idaho. It might take some getting used to, but after you try it, you will want it with everything too. Look around at any eating establishment, and it won't take long to catch all the fry sauce as a sign you are in Idaho.
The Invasion of Rock Chucks
In the winter, everyone told me about rock chucks, but I had no idea what they were talking about. After 48 hours of warmer weather, I had seen close to a hundred in the area. Rock chucks are everywhere in Idaho and they seem to take over wherever they decide to live. They are cute, but that can be annoying as well. Once you see a few of these, you will know you are in Idaho.
Goatheads in Your Feet, in Your Shoes, and Your House
Don't walk around barefoot in Idaho, just don't. Goatheads are everywhere and they attack you when you least expect it. They kill your feet, they stick to your shoes, and they seem to find their way into your house. I am convinced they are alive and move through the night because they seem to find you and attack your bare feet in the bathroom, the bedroom, the living room, and every room of the house.

For those that have grown up here, they may not think anything of the above list, but from those that have moved here or travel through Idaho frequently, you are sure to have noticed a few of these. For better or worse, these things make Idaho a little more unique than other places and make it truly its own.
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