Scared Dogs and Pets Escape in Twin Falls: Is Yours at Home?
The fourth of July has come and gone and many of us drank too much, ate too much, set off fireworks, and enjoyed time with our friends and family. The holiday is a nice break from work and a way to enjoy the summer and our great country. Parades, fireworks, cookouts, the lake, and the river, there is much to enjoy about having the day off to celebrate America, but there is one major negative that takes place every year, and this year is no different.
Dogs and Pets Get Out on the Fourth of July
The fourth of July marks the day that more dogs and pets get out than any other day on the calendar. It isn't hard to understand why. The sounds of loud fireworks echoing throughout the night scare them and they try to do anything they can to find comfort and escape the noise. It is this reason that many wake up on the fifth of July to find their dogs missing. If you have not found your dog, cat, or any other pet that may have escaped, there are multiple ways to track them down.
Finding Your Lost Pets in Twin Falls
If you are one of the people that are unfortunate enough to find your dog or pet has escaped, make sure to check all animal shelters in the area first. If your animal is not at one of them, make sure to check as many of the Facebook groups in the area as you can. On the morning of the fifth, I saw four posts alone of missing dogs that people had come across and posted. It may be a lot of work, but it is worth it to reunite with your furry family member. While social media may have many flaws, instances like this are where it comes in handy and helps the community.

While many may not enjoy it, in the future, it is best to put your pet in a kennel of some sort when fireworks are going off. Some may think it isn't nice or fair to the animal, but a couple of hours in a kennel beats the fear they go through of the noises, and then being lost and away from their family. The next time fireworks are going off around you, make sure to take extra precautions, and consider your pet before leaving home. Search Facebook, check the shelters and bring your baby home if they got out this past weekend.
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