We are so excited that there are a ton of events going on between now and the rest of the year. We have come up with some events that we are looking forward to and if we missed any please let us know. Any event left off the list was unintentional and we will definitely add it.

I love being able to go to local events. I plan on attending every one that I possibly can. Here are some of the events we are looking forward to the most.


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    National Night Out

    It is going to be at Twin Falls City Park August 3rd. Go and chat with local law enforcement and bond. Thank them for their service or just go chat.

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    Beer Fest

    At Twin Falls City Park August 7th, Beer Fest is one of my favorite events each year. They get local and national beer brewers together and you can try almost all of them.

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    Taco Fest in Jerome

    Jerome is having a Taco Fest on September 3rd from 4 to 9 pm. I definitely want to go try all of the tacos. There is no such thing as too many tacos.

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    Twin Falls Oktoberfest returns to Downtown Twin Falls. There are always great food options, usually there is a petting zoo and some bounce houses. There are shops to check out as well. So much fun.

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    Christmas in the Night Time Sky

    This event is supposed to return this year. The Black Friday event is a way to kick off and celebrate that Christmas is right around the corner with fireworks and food. One of the best events of the year.

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    All the fairs

    Twin Falls County Fair, Jerome Fair, Cassia County Fair, I want to go to all of them. They are always a great time with great entertainment and, of course, food.

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