Census: Twin Falls Has Over 50,000 People Now; Top 8 In State
Following a nearly three-percent spike in population statewide from 2018-19, the city of Twin Falls recently surpassed 50,000 residents.
Recent Idaho state Census data now puts Twin Falls in the top eight most populated cities statewide. The numbers were shared Monday on the Department of Labor website, which reflected a combined 2.3% growth for all reporting cities.
Cities in Idaho classified as medium--these cities have populations between 10,000 and 50,000--reported the highest increase for the time period with an average of 2.8%. In the past decade, the city of Meridian has experienced the biggest population boom, with nearly 40,000 new residents.
Boise is also experiencing a significant increase in people relocating to the state capital. Since 2010, Boise's population has grown by over 23,000. There are currently approximately 229,000 residents, which makes Boise the most populated Idaho city by more than 114,000 residents.
Twin Falls increased from a population of just over 44,000 a decade ago, to a reported 50,197 currently. Meridian, Nampa, Idaho Falls and Caldwell round out the top five most populated cities statewide.
Jerome's population also grew by approximately 1,100 in the past ten years. Ada County experienced the highest number of new homes built in the same time period, with the addition of over 6,200 housing units constructed. Twin Falls has experienced a more than 10% increase in housing units since 2010 as well.
Twin Falls County is also in the top 12 statewide for housing growth in the past decade, according to the data.
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