BASE Jumpers Execute Epic Jumps Off Semi Driving On Perrine Bridge
Hey kids, don't try this at home. These BASE jumpers decided it would be fun to execute a series of jumps off of a semi-truck as it drives across the Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls. They caught it all on camera.
These jumpers are already obviously crazy for jumping off a perfectly fine bridge over and over again, but this makes them even more insane. The 4 jumpers decided to all climb on top of a semi-truck and jump one by one off the truck as it was driving down the Perrine Bridge. My heart started racing just watching it.
I find it hilarious that they were saying how high it was on the semi-truck. Dude, you already jump off the bridge at 486 feet in the air but the semi-truck was high? Do you see how close they are to bonking their heads on the stoplights! The entire video is absolutely insane. That being said, it is absolutely epic.
The video was uploaded on Halloween of this year. I know this isn't the first time people like Miles Daisher and Shawn Chuma have done some crazy stunts. These guys are famous for their insanity. I am so happy this entire thing was caught on camera and everyone walked away 100 percent fine.
I still would never in a million years jump off the bridge but kudos to those who can face their fears like this. Adrenaline junkies are fun to watch.
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