Halloween is just a little less than a week away, and by now most kids and adults have their costumes or know what they want to be, but if you are somebody that the holiday has snuck up on and are looking for a costume at the last minute, do not fret. There is still time to come up with a costume, and why not go as something that embodies the spirit of Idaho and Twin Falls? Here are some Halloween costume ideas that fit perfectly for any Halloween party this year in Idaho.

Potato or Potato Sack Costume

Credit: Elena Schweitzer
Credit: Elena Schweitzer

The most obvious and most Idaho Halloween costume you can come up with is to dress as a potato or potato sack. It is cheap and easy to make. Cut a hole in a sack, slip it on and you are done. The only issue with being a potato sack is it may not be warm enough. Dressing up as a potato can be affordable and easy as well. What embodies Idaho more than a potato-themed costume?

The Boise State Bronco

Boise State v UNLV
Ethan Miller/Getty Images

For those not from Idaho, the two things they affiliate most with the state are potatoes and the Boise State Broncos. Dressing up as the Boise State Bronco would be a warm costume and would represent the state well. If you can't do that, you could always go as a Boise State football player or cheerleader as well.

Idaho Farmer

Credit: pablo_rodriguez1
Credit: pablo_rodriguez1

This may be the easiest costume to pull off, as many in the area are farmers or help out somebody that is one. Overalls, boots, and whatever tools or equipment you want to complete the costume would make for an easy outfit. Honor those farmers that work hard every day in the state by dressing up as one this Halloween.

Hunter or Fisherman

Credit: welcomia
Credit: welcomia
Credit: Edsel Querini
Credit: Edsel Querini

Many in the area love to fish and hunt, and typically you have certain apparel you wear when you do either one. Wear a fishing vest and use a tackle box for candy this year if you want to go as a fisherman, or perhaps you would prefer to put on your camo and go as a hunter since it is the season anyway. Please, leave the rifles at home when going to a party, trunk or treat, or trick or treating though.

Farm Animal Costumes

Credit: McIninch
Credit: McIninch

If you want to have a fun group costume idea, there are different types of farm animal costumes you can find such as sheep, pig, horse, cow, and more. Somebody could be the Idaho farmer, while others could be different farm animals. If you don't want to go as a group, animal costumes are always a hit and represent the state pretty well.

Idaho Cowboy

Credit: Camila Blando on Unsplash
Credit: Camila Blando on Unsplash

Want to wear a costume that summarizes Idaho up well? Be a cowboy this Halloween. Idaho is home to some of the best cowboys and cowgirls around, and odds are as a resident of Idaho you already have everything you need for the costume. Save money and be a true Idahoan this season by being an Idaho cowboy or cowgirl. 


Credit: flownaksala
Credit: flownaksala

It may be a little tricky to pull off, but being a tractor would be a unique costume as well as a good representative of Idaho. You can go a few different routes, of wearing a costume of a tractor or making one you ride in, which makes trick or treating even easier. You would get a ton of compliments if you can pull it off right. 

The State of Idaho

Credit: ValeriKimbro
Credit: ValeriKimbro

Nothing screams Idaho like, the state of Idaho. You can be creative and use a play on words to make your costume, or use cardboard and string or rope, and wear a cutout of the state itself. It's simple, cheap, yet creative and something most people would not think to go as for Halloween, so there is little worry of anybody else having your costume. 

Base Jumper in Twin Falls

Daredevils Take The Plunge Off America's Second Highest Bridge
Credit: Getty Images

Some in Twin Falls will already have the equipment to pull off this costume, but this is one that Twin Falls should see a few of this year. The Perrine Bridge is famous for base jumpers jumping off the bridge, and for children or adults that have grown up watching them but have never been able to do it, this is your chance to claim to be a base jumper for one night. 

Evel Knievel

Credit: Keystone
Credit: Keystone

Twin Falls is home to the infamous jump that Evel Knievel made over the Snake River, and is a historical moment any Twin Falls resident should be aware of. Growing up in Twin Falls, it is sure to be embedded in children's minds about the historical moment, and wanting to be Evel Knievel for Halloween in these parts is understandable. 

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While many of us have our costumes and have had our children's costumes for weeks, if anybody is struggling or has had any setbacks in making or buying their costume, there is still plenty of time. Get creative and make one, order one today, or go shopping before all the good ones are sold out. If you need any ideas or can't figure out what to be, stick with what you know and be something that makes you proud to be in Idaho this Halloween. 

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