School West of Idaho Closes Due to a Fat Cat
School being canceled or put on lockdown is nothing new. There are many reasons to put a school on lockdown, such as due to weather, a threat, or any number of reasons. Sometimes, schools do these to to make sure students know what to do in case of a dire situation, and other times they happen for real and are unplanned. It is scary when news breaks that a school is on lockdown or closed due to an unknown situation, as typically parents and those outside of the school are out of the loop until things reopen. Recently, a school went into lockdown for what was presumed to be a scary situation but ended up being comical in the end.
School Goes into Lockdown Over Fat Cat
In an embarrassing story, a school recently closed down for what was perceived to be a mountain lion but ended up being a neighborly fat cat. Goff Elementary School in Moses Lake Washington went into a lockdown last week when it was reported that a mountain lion had been spotted near the school by a teacher. After some investigating, it was discovered that there was no mountain lion in the area, but instead, it was a fat orange cat named George eating a rat. For those wondering, the area is a natural home for mountain lions, but they are not commonly spotted near the school. This isn't the first incident like this though, as in the past a wolf was said to be near the school, but it turned out to be only a golden retriever.
Mountain Lion Near an Idaho School
While this situation ended up with laughter, it is worth mentioning that mountain lions being near a school is a real possibility, not only in Washington, where the story above took place but also in areas of Idaho. It is important to go over with your children what to do if they ever see one, as well as encourage them to not walk to school alone if that is how they get to and from school. Mountain lions are spotted around certain towns throughout the Gem State, including in the Magic Valley. It should not be a major concern, but something that should be in the back of a parent's and student's mind, depending on which part of Idaho you live in.

For more on the fat cat that forced a school to go into lockdown, make sure to click on the link above. The comment section is worth a read and will have you scrolling for a while with laughter. How a teacher could mistake a cat for a mountain lion is wild, but it does happen.
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