Blaine County Sheriff Warns Boaters About Drinking And Boating
It might not be something you think about when you take your boat out, but boating while under the influence can be incredible dangerous. Blaine County Sheriff's Office wants people to be aware of the dangers of mixing alcohol and boating.
The Blaine County Sheriff's Facebook page shared Operation Dry Water which runs July 3rd through July 5th and the purpose is to bring awareness to the dangers of drinking and boating.
According to the post, alcohol use by operators and passengers increases chance of injuries, accidents and fatalities on the water. They state that many accidents on the water could have been avoided if the boat operators and passengers decided to remain sober.
This weekend being the Fourth of July, warm and a holiday will likely increase the traffic on the water. If you plan on boating and hitting the lake or river, not only be cautious about who is driving and alcohol, but keep an eye out and be defensive if you see other boaters under the influence. It is a good way to try to keep everyone safe.

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