As parents, we are protective of our kids and will often take extreme measures to make sure our kids are protected and isolated from the cruel world. We will do what we can to make sure strangers don't talk to our children or come near them, and mothers and fathers watch their kids like hawks in public. Despite all this hard work and effort, there are things you can't control. With social media controlling the world these days, everyone seems to be recording videos and taking pictures at all times, but what happens when those camera lenses are directed toward your children in public? Is it legal for adults to be taking these pictures and videos, and when is it crossing the line or not?

Is it Legal to Take Pictures of Minors in Idaho?

Credit: Benjamin Sow on Unsplash
Credit: Benjamin Sow on Unsplash

This is a question that continues to be raised across the country and is one that many are not ok with. When out in public, is it legal for adults to take pictures or record videos of minors? The correct answer is, yes. It is legal, as the children are out in public and therefore, it is not invading any privacy. Now, someone can't take pictures of another person in a public restroom, as that would be an invasion of privacy, but parks, shopping centers, and beaches are all public domain that is allowed. This raises another question though, is it ok to do so, especially if the one photographed is a minor and unaware of it?

Photographing Minors in Twin Falls

Credit: Connor Olson on Unsplash
Credit: Connor Olson on Unsplash

Allegedly, over the weekend an incident occurred where a man was taking pictures of young women and girls in their bathing suits in Twin Falls. While at times, pictures can be artistically taken like these, some women allegedly overheard the man discussing the pictures with another, and his conversation made it sound like this was not the intent of these photos. The mom of one of the girls photographed asked the man to delete the photos, to which he refused. According to law, he has the right to take these photos and to keep them. If approached by law enforcement, they do not have the right to take his camera or phone without a warrant, and it is a felony if they delete the photos themselves, as they are the man's property. Does the law need to be changed?

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Taking pictures of a minor that is in a bathing suit or not fully dressed, should be considered illegal in all states. There is no reason an adult needs pictures of other people's kids in this manner. The laws need to be adjusted to protect people, and it is embarrassing that this is a discussion in 2023. Protecting children should be more important than a picture. Yes, it is their constitutional right, but shouldn't it be the right of families to enjoy a day out without worrying about people photographing them against their will? For more on what you can and can't do when it comes to photographing others in public, make sure to click the links above.

Things We Do In Idaho That Feel Illegal But Aren't

We all know that feeling of driving down the street innocently obeying all the laws and a cop car pulls up behind you and you immediately feel like a felon on the run.

Gallery Credit: Credit Unsplash

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