Remember When The Blue Angels Performed In Twin Falls – Twice (VIDEO)
The Blue Angels are the premier US Navy and Marines demonstration squad. We've been fortunate to have them in Twin Falls twice. The first time was in 2008, then again in 2012.
Magic Valley residents documented the performances with an amazing amount of video on YouTube. The full performances and also some footage of the practice runs that happen days before the show. This video from the 2012 show includes some incredible up-close views.
If you happen to remember how loud the skies were during those practice runs. The intake of those engines will feel like they're deafening you if you're close enough.
These videos are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Twin Falls Air Show footage. If you were at the shows and have pictures and/or video, please share. Also note, there is a Facebook group trying to bring future air shows to the Magic Valley every 2 years.