Photographic Evidence “Piney Cabin” In South Hills Survived Badger Fire
The Badger Fire last year took out a lot of beauty and campgrounds in the South Hills. Thankfully, Piney Cabin was able to survive the devastating fire. I decided to go check it out this weekend and it remains in great shape.
A few things I learned about Piney Cabin over the weekend, one, how to get there. I had never been there before and with road closures due to wash out and fires, I don't think I could make it there again. Also, I found out that you can stay there if it is open and available.
When the Badger Fire first hit there were rumors that Piney Cabin went down with Father and Sons and Bostetter. Thankfully that is not the case. When we arrived there over the weekend a very kind man was staying at the cabin with his dog and his horse. Inside the cabin there is a wood burning stove to keep it warm and that's about it.
There are names carved in the wood, undoubtedly names of visitors that had stayed there in the past. The place isn't in pristine condition but it is definitely a great little shelter. There is even some water there that is clean and usable.
I have no idea how often Piney Cabin gets used, I am just happy it survived the devastating Badger Fire last year.