Magic Valley Beer Fest Is Back And Looking For Help
The seventh annual Magic Valley Beer Festival has officially announced it's date. Plus they are looking for some help for silent auction items.
The Magic Valley Beer Festival will be held August 4th starting at 1 p.m. As usual there will be lots of different beers to try, live music and auction items. All proceed stay local so if you can help please contact them.
This year according to Eva Craner, a Rotary member, "The club has dedicated funds from this year’s event to the Optimist Youth House (for children who age-out of foster care) and to starting a scholarship endowment for local students. We currently looking for donations for the silent auction that takes place during the event."
They are hoping to raise at least $12,000 through silent auction this year. So, get ready to drink beer and support the community at the same time!
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