Is It Against The Law To Watch The Super Bowl On A Screen Larger Than 55 Inches?
In broadcasting, talking about The Superbowl is scary. We have to talk about it because everybody else is...but if we talk about it the wrong way we could get fined a lot of money! Turns out that broadcasters aren't the only ones at risk here. Did you know that it is against the law to watch the Superbowl on a screen larger than 55 inches? Seriously - it is written in the copyright! You also can't have more than 6 speakers hooked up while viewing the game. Now, since I am not a normal reader of laws this may only apply to businesses showing the game...but it may also apply to you in your home.
(I) if the performance is by audio means only, the performance is communicated by means of a total of not more than 6 loudspeakers, of which not more than 4 loudspeakers are located in any 1 room or adjoining outdoor space; or
(II) if the performance or display is by audiovisual means, any visual portion of the performance or display is communicated by means of a total of not more than 4 audiovisual devices, of which not more than 1 audiovisual device is located in any 1 room, and no such audiovisual device has a diagonal screen size greater than 55 inches, and any audio portion of the performance or display is communicated by means of a total of not more than 6 loudspeakers, of which not more than 4 loudspeakers are located in any 1 room or adjoining outdoor space;
Dang! Unless I am reading this wrong - a lot of people are going to have to reduce their screen sizes if the NFL ever decides to enforce this rule! Good thing they don't! If you understand it differently - leave us a comment and let us know below.
Will you be watching on a larger screen than allowed?