What Are The Odds Of Being a Pro Athlete in the Gem State?
As kids, many of us grow up thinking we can be anything. Some of us start big like wanting to be a superhero, a Power Ranger, or something unrealistic. Eventually, we get a little older, and the dream changes to still a big reach like an astronaut, movie star, or professional singer. While some kids will go on to reach these goals, many will sadly see their plans change or their dreams dashed. One of the most common dreams for children is to become a professional athlete. Sadly, many go on to play their final meaningful game in high school, with some playing in college, and even fewer living the dream of being a professional athlete. What sport you chase can dictate your odds of becoming a pro athlete, but also where you live. What sports give you the best chance to be an athlete in Idaho and which sports should your child give up on if they hope to go pro from Idaho?
Best Sport and Odds to Go Pro in Idaho
The odds of becoming a professional athlete are low no matter who you are or where you live. Many things have to line up such as genetics, work ethic, staying healthy, good coaching, and being seen by scouts. A recent study by gambling.com looked at what the odds are of turning pro at different sports in Idaho, and the numbers are shocking. This list focuses on male athletes specifically and takes into account the number of male births to the number of males that are pro athletes in each sport. For example, the odds currently of being in the NFL from Idaho is 1 in 510, which is the highest odds for any sport. There are currently 0 odds of being pro in the NBA, NHL, Olympics, or boxing and MMA. The odds to make it to the MLB are 1 in 5607, and the odds to make it in soccer, golf, and tennis are currently 1 in 11,214. The overall odds of becoming a male pro athlete in sports is 1 in 415.
Playing Sports in Idaho
As discouraging as the numbers above are, it doesn't mean your children should stop playing. Sports still teach children great life skills, such as work ethic, discipline, teamwork, commitment, and more. Oddly enough, according to the study, Rhode Island might give your child the best odds of becoming a pro athlete. Since the study takes the percentage based on people and how many go pro, the odds are best in Rhode Island to become a pro in soccer, golf, boxing, and tennis. For those wanting to pursue football, the best state to live in is Louisiana. The best state for basketball is Kentucky. The best for hockey is Minnesota, and the best for baseball is Pennsylvania. Finally, the best to become an Olympian is oddly New Hampshire. To check out the full list, click the link above.

While the odds are not good to be a professional athlete, living in Idaho appears to make it tougher for someone chasing that dream. If your kid aspire to be a pro athlete, and you think they have what it takes, then you might need to move to give them the best opportunity. If they are good enough, it won't matter where you are, but why not do everything in your power to help them? Remember to push them to practice, practice, practice, and perhaps the odds in Idaho can eventually rise.
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