It is one of the most magical times of the year. No, it isn't Christmas and it isn't Halloween, but it is Girl Scout cookie season. Many look forward to the time of the year when they can buy delicious Girl Scout cookies and convince themselves that it is ok to eat sweet cookies because it is going towards a good cause. Anyone with this mindset is not wrong, but is it the best investment you can make? Before you open your wallet to the adorable Girl Scouts this cookie season, you may want to know a few things and put that cash back into your wallet.

Girl Scout Cookies in Idaho

Credit: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Credit: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

The reason so many people enjoy Girl Scout cookie season is because it is their one chance in the year to eat delicious cookies you can't get anywhere else, and the money is going to a good cause. While the second half of that statement is true, the first half is not. It is not the only time you can get these delicious cookies. There is a place where you can get the same cookies for less than half the price, they taste better in many people's opinions, and you get more cookies per package. While it will be an unpopular opinion, you are better off not buying Girl Scout cookies this season in Idaho. 

Off-Brand Girl Scout Cookies in Idaho

Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff

If you want to get Girl Scout cookies, while getting the best deal possible, make sure to go to Walmart and buy their Great Value cookies. Some say they taste better, you get more cookies, and instead of $6, you can get a package for $2.12. You can get almost 3 packages for the same amount of one box of Girl Scout cookies. No, the money does not go to a good cause, but when everything is so expensive, it is about finding the best deal possible. If donating to the troops is more important, then buy from the adorable girls out front, but if looking for the best cookies, shop inside the store. The Fudge Covered Peanut Butter Filled cookies are essentially Tagalongs. You can click the link to see and add some to your cart. The cookies pictured above, taste just as good as Thin Mints. 

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While donating to the Girl Scouts is important and is something everyone is encouraged to do during their cookie season, it is ok to buy one or two boxes and invest more money into the off-brand to get more value out of your hard-earned money. The more the cookies go up, the tougher it is to donate to a good cause. It may not be what people want to hear, but it is a better business decision. Save your money, and don't donate this year, and instead buy the cookies that get you more of what your taste buds want, for a cheaper cost.

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Gallery Credit: Credit Unsplash

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