Why You Should or Shouldn’t Pass Cars on Icy Roads in Idaho
We've all wanted to do it; most likely we all have done it, and maybe we even felt guilty. It is something that is a dilemma we will all face living in Idaho, and the decision can sometimes be tough. When the roads are slick or covered in snow, do you pass the car in front of you or pull back and take a slow safe process? There is a little guilt when flying past someone, and sometimes a little rage on your part for them going slow, and for them at getting passed. What is the right thing to do?
Making The Decision in Unideal Conditions
One of the toughest parts when driving on ice and snow is deciding how cautious to be. Going the speed limit is usually frowned upon, as it is better to take it slow and be safe. Somedays the roads look worse than they are, but some drivers go extremely slow while others feel more comfortable at a quicker pace. It is tough to figure out your speed, but when you come upon someone, is it best to stay in the tracks, or to go around and keep your pace?
Anger of Passing People in Snowy Conditions
When passing in snowy conditions it seems that one if not both cars usually end up angry. I wrote a story about winter road rage a few weeks ago, and one of the most common ones is passing during the snow. I feel guilty when I pass during the snow, thinking I am going too fast and not being safe enough. Usually, I am still going ten under the speed limit. The other car seems to be upset because they are getting passed and think that I am being reckless. It is not a reason to be upset, as everyone goes at different speeds.
Be Respectful and Safe on the Road
There is no need to get angry when passing each other. Some people can't see as well and like to be extra cautious, while other drivers seem more comfortable. The type of vehicle you have can be a determining factor as well. The roads can be misleading at times depending on if it is ice, light snow, or even a little heavier snow. Make sure there is no oncoming traffic when passing on two-lane roads. Just cause you to go around people, doesn't mean you aren't safe, but please be smart about it.

Driving at different speeds is the same on ice, in the rain, or in ideal conditions, but it is just how you go about it. With ice and snow, people are a little more tense and cautious when driving. Don't feel guilty when passing someone or angry, and if you get passed don't be upset. Everyone has to do what they think is best and safe, so do what you have to do. Be respectful and safe this winter as you drive in the Magic Valley.
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