Why The Twin Falls Co. Fair Must Book Iconic Idaho Spud Truck Now
While the Twin Falls County Fair is still months away, event organizers might want to consider focusing their attention soon on booking one of the most iconic, mobile representations of Idaho agriculture. The famous Big Idaho Potato Truck celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, and so far not one state stop is scheduled as part of the 2022 nationwide tour.
Gem State residents first caught a glimpse of the Big Idaho Potato Truck outside Boise's Albertsons Stadium in December of 2011. The unveiling was reported on by numerous state news sources, including the idahopress.com. Just days later, the truck began showing up at events across the United States as part of the "Famous Idaho Potato Tour."
According to the truck's current tour schedule, there are numerous stops planned between now and early September. Unless the website hasn't been updated recently, there are presently no Idaho bookings in 2022. The closest appearance to southern Idaho at this time is the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Windsor Harvest Festival from September 2 to the sixth in Colorado.
I think it would be a huge disappointment to not give southern Idaho children the opportunity to see for themselves the iconic potato truck this year in particular, and what better venue to showcase it at than the 2022 Twin Falls County Fair, which kicks off August 31.
The truck is traveling thousands of miles across the U.S. this year. Stops in New York, Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Georgia, and even California are currently booked, but interestingly enough, not a single date in the Gem State, which the vehicle represents.

Hopefully, fans in the Magic Valley will get the chance to see this marvelous truck and join in celebrating a decade on the road.
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