Why The Most Dangerous City in Idaho is Close to Where You Live
Living in Idaho, most of us feel pretty safe. The population is similar to or less than most major cities in the country, and the population is spread across the state with much farmland, mountains, and so much open area. Due to people being spread out and the population not being that much, it leads to less crime and feeling safer. The biggest threats in the state are the wildlife and nature more so than the people in the area. There is still crime, as there is with any place, but it doesn't seem to be as big of an issue. There are still dangerous places, and each state has to have a town that is dubbed, 'the most dangerous.' What town or city in Idaho is the most dangerous that you want to avoid?
Most Dangerous Town in Idaho
Idaho is overall one of the safest states in the United States. Looking at data from 2017, Travado found out that there are on average 226 incidents of crime per 100,000 people. In the same year, one town had 243 violent crime cases. Travado looked at the most dangerous towns in each state in the United States and found out that Pocatello was the most dangerous town in all of Idaho. With a population of around 55,000, that 243 violent crime cases may seem like a lot, but compared to other places in the country that number is pedestrian.
Pocatello Most Dangerous Town in Idaho
While Pocatello isn't super far from Twin Falls, it is far enough that I don't think there is much to worry about. To ease the minds of those that are concerned, there was only one murder that entire year in Pocatello. The biggest concern in the town is property crime, which Twin sees its fair share of. It is a good sign when you have to find reasons to name a town dangerous for the list, rather than to try and justify why anyone would live there.

Overall Idaho is a safe place and even its most dangerous town isn't all that dangerous. Rest easy knowing that we live in a safe place and that there isn't too much to worry about. When a city has too many murders to include in the news, that is when things are scary. When one missing person or murder is a big deal, it means that it is uncommon and your town and state are doing something right. Good job Idaho for not being very dangerous.
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