What Becomes of the Halloween Candy Left Over?
Our neighbors to the north aren’t quite like Americans but not so different.
This morning I asked around the office and found many of my co-workers also enjoy the chocolate covered wafers
I receive daily emails from news sources around the world. One is a popular Canadian magazine called Maclean’s. This morning I noticed a belated story about Halloween candy (with which your office is today swamped).
We tend to think of Canada as a bland place. You would think they munch on Fig Newtons. Nope! Canadians like KitKat bars. This morning I asked around the office and found many of my co-workers also enjoy the chocolate covered wafers, although. As soon as I mentioned my favorite, peanut butter cups, it appeared KitKat was quickly forgotten.
What do we do with leftover candy? We pile it on tables at work. The peanut cups are great stored in freezers. Best eaten cold.
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