Twin Falls: How To Resolve Noisy Animals In Neighborhoods [Poll]
It is getting to be that time of year when neighborhoods get busy and louder. Lawns need to be mowed, trees trimmed, kids play outside and yes, dogs tend to bark. So we want to know what you think would resolve noisy animals in the neighborhood.
I personally don't mind barking dogs or loud noises in the neighborhood unless it is late at night and even then, chances are I am not going to complain unless it happened all the time.
However, when this question was posed to some, they suggested some pretty drastic resolutions. One woman even suggested not allowing dogs within city limits. Others suggest calling animal control on persistently noisy or dogs that may be a nuisance to your property (like maybe an irresponsible owner not picking up after them). So we want to know what you think would be a proper solution.
I personally am fine with just getting over it. As long as it doesn't keep me up during all hours of the night and day I don't find noisy animals any more of a nuisance than loud screeching children having fun on a summer day running through some sprinklers. City neighborhoods can get loud. It just is what it is.