Twin Falls High School is Enforcing the New Dress Code
Several students, like the one pictured to the left, have been sent to the office of the Twin Falls High School due to violations of the dress code. But are they violations at all?
Twin Falls High School Vice Principal, Mr. Walker says, "Most students are being sent to the office due to a new rule in the dress code policy regarding the length of shorts, skirts and dresses."
The policy changes were established during the last quarter in the 2013/2014 school year. The old policy stated that shorts, dresses and skirts needed to be mid-thigh.
The new policy, that is being put into strict place, states that all skirts, shorts and dresses should come to the knee. Mr. Walker said, "Mid-thigh is very vague due to different body types. The new policy matches the norm that our community sets forth". When asked how the community was involved with the new dress code policy Mr. Walker stated that he wasn't sure. The policy was changed at the district office and he was not present. Should the community have been more involved when the changes were being made? Or are the rules the rules?
The new policy does have a few areas that have not been addressed. Mr. Walker stated in his interview that, quote, "Certain athletic situations haven't been addressed". He did however say that cheerleader's skirts are not allowed in the school unless they are worn at cheer leading practice. If a cheerleader leaves practice to come to the office she must first put on something knee length.
A lot of parents are extremely unhappy with this particularly rule.
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