Twin Falls City Pool Closed For Maintenance
If you were hoping to get in the nice 75-degree covered pool this week after the snow fell, well, you're going to have to wait. The Twin Falls City Pool has announced it will be closed while they drain and clean the pool.
It actually looks pretty cool. Twin Falls Parks and Rec posted pictures of what it looks like when a giant swimming pool is drained for cleaning. Fortunately, they aren't going to be closed for a long time. They stated they are going to be closed until February 10th.
Admittedly it looks like it could be a lot of fun just running around a giant empty pool. Not nearly as much fun as a full and warm pool, but still. They are also going to continue bringing the "Tower" on weekends for people to enjoy. Just for right now, you are going to have to get your exercise in somewhere else.
It makes me wonder, after the last week we had, when are they going to take the bubble off.