While fall for many is one of the best times of the year, it has one day that most dread and wish would never happen. Fall is filled with great days like Halloween, Thanksgiving, football season, the World Series, and the beginning of basketball and hockey. The weather is ideal, and there is plenty of fun in the fall. The bad thing about fall though is that it means it is time for the dreaded time change, as clocks fall back. Daylight Saving Time is a day that many groan about, but if you forget to change your clocks, you will be too early to do everything. It is almost that time once again to change your clocks, as Daylight Saving Time is approaching, but when is it?

When is Daylight Saving Time in California?

Credit: Sonja Langford on Unsplash
Credit: Sonja Langford on Unsplash

It has been a while since the time change took place on March 10, and with it having been over 7 months since the change, it feels like the time change should have happened already, but there are still more days of extra daylight. The time change this year will be happening on November 3, which seems later than usual. Make sure to mark your calendars to change all your clocks the night of November 2, although, with the advancement of technology, many clocks change themselves these days. With not needing to change clocks like in the old days, why do so many get upset about the time change in California? 

Should California Get Rid of Daylight Saving Time?

Credit: summerphotos
Credit: summerphotos

The debate comes up twice a year, should California join the likes of Hawaii and Arizona and get rid of Daylight Saving Time? The time change used to be a major hassle, as everyone had to manually go around their home and into their vehicle and change all their clocks, and forgetting to do so would make you early or late to work, church, and appointments. Nowadays, most only have to change the clock in the vehicle, and perhaps one or two in the house, as phones, watches, and many other clocks update themselves. The biggest hassle with the time change is adjusting the sleeping schedule, especially with little ones. It can take days or perhaps a week or two to adjust, but the good news is in the fall, you gain an extra hour of sleep, making it a tad more enjoyable. 

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Maybe, one day California will do away with the time change, but for now, make sure to mark your calendars and change your clocks back on November 3. Enjoy the extra hour of sleep, and hopefully, your schedule won't get thrown off too much this time of year. Enjoy the extra daylight while it lasts, cause soon it will be getting dark on your drive home from work. 

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