For high school athletes across the country, their sports seasons were either cut short or didn't happen at all. Subway and NFL Superstars have joined together to help those athletes get closer to their athletic dreams and goals.
The 2016 State Summer Games for the Special Olympics is being planned for Twin Falls in the summer of 2016. The event will draw an estimated 1,200 athletes from 30 teams to Twin Falls. 350 spectators are also estimated to attend the event.
So, Shaquille O'Neal called it a career last week. While the Shaq Diesel feels he's run out of gas, we think he's got some more in the tank and would love to see him give it a go for another season.
But he's not the only one who could make a compelling return. Here's a look at six other athletes we'd like to see come out of retirement for one last hurrah.