
Would You Go to Jail to Get Your Kids in a Good College?
Would You Go to Jail to Get Your Kids in a Good College?
Would You Go to Jail to Get Your Kids in a Good College?
I haven't started saving for my 6 year-olds college fund yet, I'll help but he's going to have to earn it. Not the case when you are a child of wealth. These high profile parents did everything they could, even breaking the law to get their kids into the hardest Universities around.
The Real Names Of Your Favorite Celebrities
The Real Names Of Your Favorite Celebrities
The Real Names Of Your Favorite Celebrities
This may come as a surprise to you - but sometimes celebrities don't use their real names. But I would never do that to you - my real name is Nate Bird. There is a pretty long list of stars in Hollywood though who have fooled us for years. Here are the real names of your favorite celebrities.
If You Could Be Famous For Anything What Would It Be? [POLL]
If You Could Be Famous For Anything What Would It Be? [POLL]
If You Could Be Famous For Anything What Would It Be? [POLL]
We all think about what it would be like to win the lottery, especially after the Mega Millions. But do you ever think about having a lot of money and being famous. Would you be famous for something brilliant like Steve Jobs or would be famous for your beauty like Cindy Crawford...
Biggest Celebrity Screw-ups of 2011 [POLL]
Biggest Celebrity Screw-ups of 2011 [POLL]
Biggest Celebrity Screw-ups of 2011 [POLL]
Looking back on 2011, I've noticed that there has been a lot of celebrity screw ups. Some funny, some not so funny. I love trash television so I pay a small amount of attention to the celebrity garbage that occurs. Even if you don't pay close attention I am sure you have heard or seen a little bit about the top celebrity screw ups...

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