Spring is Here I Found the Final Pile of Snow in Twin Falls, Idaho
I'm bummed that we didn't have a very snow covered winter. I know a lot of people are excited that Spring officially begins this weekend and that the warmer days are going to be more common. I am also excited for warm weather, but I did have to kill three spiders yesterday at my house and the flies aren't far off. I'd be happy with some warm days to trick the bugs and then a few days of wicked freeze to finish them off. Maybe then we'd get more snow too.
I'm actually thinking about snow right now because I was just at CSI and saw this tiny pile of sad, dirty snow near one of the buildings. I don't think I've seen any snow on the ground for at least a week up until today. I thought it was all gone.
Well, it probably is gone now. This little pile was sitting in the shade most of the day but when I got there the sun was in full power and the final memory of winter was melting away.
I may be wrong about this being the final pile of snow in Twin Falls, but it was the only snow I could find. Do you know where there is more in Twin Falls? Someone told me there is some on the south side in the canyon but I want to see the final snow in the city.