6 Reasons Why Twin Falls is Going to Hell Soon
What in the heck is going on in Twin Falls lately? Every day, there seems to be some odd behavior or story on the news, and people are showing odd behavior all over town. Each town and city in America has its share of problems, but it seems that more and more of it has been happening around Twin Falls lately. The world is more judgmental than ever, and while I typically try not to judge, it seems that some of the things happening around here have Twin headed in the wrong direction. With all the wild incidents and things taking place, it is fair to say that Twin Falls is headed to hell right now, and here are some of the reasons why.
This Summer Has Been Hot
Part of being in hell is the heat of the flames, and when you walk outside, it already feels like it most days. When it is triple digits every single day, you are going to feel like you are already in hell, rather than going there. The heat can make people do crazy things, and it can have side effects you don't expect. It doesn't work as an excuse for some of the behavior lately, but it might be a slight factor.
Lewd Behavior and Naked People in Twin Falls
Odd behavior has been happening lately, and none more so than seeing lewd behavior in public and people stripping down to their birthday suits in public areas. Being naked is fine, if you are at home, at a clothing-optional spa, or a nudist resort, but to strip down in broad daylight in front of everyone at a popular public park and lake is unacceptable. Being seen nude in public crosses a line, but can be forgiven. Being nude and acting out inappropriate antics in public, is crossing a line that is not ok. This type of behavior has many shaking their heads.
Syringes, Condoms, and Alcohol Bottles in Parks
Parks are meant to be a place for kids to play, walk a dog, throw a frisbee, or have a picnic as a family. They are not meant for sex, drugs, and drunk behavior. It is not uncommon to go to Rock Creek Park and see used condoms, used syringes, and empty broken bottles scattered throughout the area. That type of behavior should not be condoned anywhere near where children play. Keep your antics and addictions inside the home as best you can.
Cyberbullying is at an All-Time High
As recently reported, Idaho is the worst state when it comes to cyberbullying. For middle school and high school students, bullying happens often, but what is more alarming is how many adults appear to do it as well. Read the comments that follow this story and you will see what I mean. It is easy to hide behind a screen and attack someone, without consequence, but often those words lead others to suffer from depression, have anxiety, and even lead to suicide. The bullies go on with their lives, while families and other people suffer. Tragically, so many think they can say and do what they want, without ever seeing how they affect those they interact with.
Sex Trafficking in Twin Falls
Sex trafficking is the worst it has ever been in America and around the world. Far too often people are being kidnapped and sold into sex slavery, and Twin is not immune from it. Being so close to the northern border, people travel through Idaho often, and if there is a chance, they are not afraid to take it. It is painful to see something like this and it is every parent's worst fear. These types of actions are not ok, and when a kid is missing, this shouldn't be a person's first assumption, but it is.
Schools Need Armed Security
The fact that elementary schools need to have an armed security guard these days should be telling. Schools are supposed to be a safe place for children, but there is so much violence and threats these days, that armed guards must now be present for our children to get an education. Sadly, this is what the world has come to. Protecting the youth of this town and in the world is important, but having to worry when they are at school is a sign that things are headed in the wrong direction.

Odd things are happening, and things have not been good around this area lately. People disappearing, murders, lewd behaviors, and even people fighting in the streets. Twin Falls has been hot as hell, and many of the people have acted as if they are there. Unless something changes soon, this town may be headed there. Be safe, treat others kindly, and hopefully, we won't soon be on a fast track to where we don't want to go.
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