Don’t Throw Away Your Masks Because You May Need Them in Idaho
The weather is changing, school is back in session, and soon summer will be officially over and the calendar will turn to fall. While fall is the favorite time of year for many, it does bring some baggage with it. With kids back in school, the wind picking up, and the drop in temperature, allergies are in full swing, but more than allergies, certain illnesses come with the changing season as well. With so many diseases floating around, should Idaho or Twin Falls make masks mandatory during this time of year?
Illnesses Spreading Across the Magic Valley
While allergies are the easiest thing to blame for sneezing and coughing right now, there are plenty of other things going around. There are sinus infections, strep throat, pink eye, COVID, and soon the flu will be approaching. Odds are by now you may have already experienced one of these or some other illness going around, or someone in your family or inner circle has. It doesn't take much to get any of them and that is why it is tough to leave the house without anticipating coming home sick. Coworkers, classmates, and family members are all threats to get you sick these days, which is why, while it isn't fun, wearing a mask might be a good idea.
Wearing Masks in Idaho
While it isn't ideal and many complain about them, wearing a mask this time of year isn't a bad idea. Yes, they make it tough to breathe and we smell our bad breath, but if it keeps you from getting strep, the flu, COVID, or one of the other diseases going around, isn't it worth it? You wouldn't need to wear it everywhere like in the pandemic days, but if going into a doctor's office, hospital, or perhaps when going into a place that you expect to be close to strangers, it might be worth a consideration. Leave it off at work and when running most errands, but when around large crowds it could help. The odds are you will likely still pick something up, but if it lowers the odds, I would do it.

It is highly unlikely that we see many people wearing masks around town, but don't be surprised if you see a few more than usual as diseases begin to spread this time of year. The only true way to avoid them is to lock yourself at home and avoid everyone, but even that may not work. Make sure to take your vitamins and do what you have to do this season, because sickness is spreading, and you could be next.
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