Man Tries to Sell Himself for the Holidays on Twin Falls Facebook Page
The holidays are fast approaching and many of us are looking for the perfect gifts to get our friends, family, and coworkers. It can often be hard to find that perfect gift, and the stress builds through the holidays as they quickly approach. There is more stress than only gifts, as showing up to family events without someone can often lead to those dreaded questions about when you are going to get married or find a boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe you are this person or perhaps your sibling, friend or coworker is this person and you listen to them complain about the stress of showing up single to the holiday events. Luckily for anyone in the area dealing with this, there is a solution and it is all thanks to one man in Twin Falls.
Man Selling Himself on Facebook in Twin Falls
A man in Twin Falls by the name of Joseph Stevens recently took to the Twin Falls Classified page on Facebook to try and sell himself as a boyfriend for the holidays. The ad is mostly viewed as a joke and seems too absurd to be true, but in theory, it may be a brilliant business and personal move. We all know that one relative, friend, or coworker that hates Valentine's Day or holiday parties because they don't have anyone to bring. This man could be bought as a boyfriend to come to these events, and he is getting free food, and free drink, and may find his soul mate out of it. While most think of dating apps to find someone, perhaps this man is onto something. If the single person is afraid to reach out themselves, then perhaps this man would make for a good Christmas present.
Who Would Buy a Man off Facebook?
While many people would have too much pride to reach out to an ad such as this, what if you reached out to this man to set him up for your friend, relative, or coworker? Perhaps as a husband, you could hire him to be your wife's boyfriend for the holiday season to go shopping with, do chores, or whatever other tasks you want to get out of this time of year. Before your mind goes into the gutter, that is not what I am talking about. While Joseph's ad and this article are mostly a joke, it does go to show that you can sell anything on Facebook, and odds are there will be at least one person out there that will be interested.

It will be interesting to see if anyone takes this man up on his offer, but the comments so far have been a riot. Head on over to the Twin Falls Classified page on Facebook and see if perhaps your next boyfriend or girlfriend is waiting for you. At the very least, you may not have to spend the holidays alone, or you could find yourself getting a break from your significant other as you use a substitute to fill your responsibilities. No matter how you view this ad, the man has a sense of humor, and we can all use a good chuckle this time of year. Good luck to you Joseph! We are all rooting for you and hope you find that special someone.
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