I heard several today from members of my listening audience. One from a writer who explained it involved the family of former Governor John Evans, in Malad. The house was empty, and the writer says the Governor’s brother, Don, Had sought the writer’s help in moving furniture. They heard several doors slam in an empty house with many locked doors. A presence then dashed by the two men, and they found an open family album on a table. Don Evans believed it was the ghost of a deceased younger brother.
A fellow called the show and said he was working on the old opera house in Glenns Ferry. A repairman who worked in old theaters from Salt Lake City came into town to do some work inside the building. One day, he heard steps on a staircase and had a chilly encounter with a presence that frightened him like nothing else in his life.
A man called me and told me while trapping north of Shoshone, that invisible hands grabbed his waist and directed him off his usual path. It happened again a few days later. It led him to recover an old spearhead.
I had a chilling experience in southwestern Idaho. I was in Owyhee County, near the site of the Utter Disaster, where settlers we massacred by tribesmen as they were in transit. The massacre lasted for days as members of the party were hunted down, killed, and mutilated.
I was along the river where they were ambushed. I looked left at a cleft in the river bank, and thought, it was here. Then I felt a tremendous feeling as if I was imposing on a grief still present, and I quickly left.
Some of my previous writings about ghostly experiences brought about the responses. I’m sure there are thousands.