7 Things You Could Do with the Hour You Lose this Weekend in Twin Falls
Daylight saving time is this weekend, and of the two times a year we have to change the clock, this is the worst one. We are forced to spring forward an hour, meaning a loss of sleep, throwing schedules off for little ones, and taking days to adjust. While most of us complain about having to change the clocks, it is more the loss of the hour that we should be complaining about. There are a lot of things you could accomplish in an hour, and unfortunately, you won't get that time back, until we change the clocks again that is. What could you do this weekend if you didn't lose that hour? Here are some ways you could have spent the time you will be losing this Sunday.
Sleeping in Twin Falls
Let's get the most obvious answer out of the way. Most of us complain that we lose an hour of sleep during the time change, and seeing how the clocks change in the middle of the night, this makes sense. That extra hour can go a long way, especially for parents. The kids will wake up earlier, forcing you to get less sleep than you already anticipated. The weekends are your time to stay up late, sleep in later, and not have to get up and go to work, but that lost hour is felt, and takes days, if not weeks to catch up on the lost sleep.
Watch Two Episodes of a TV Show
Since the hour you lose takes time in the middle of the night, you are limited to where you can go and what you can do, but binge-watching and catching up on some shows is a great way to do it. If you have a show that has a runtime of around 30 minutes, you can watch two episodes in an hour, putting you further into the season. By losing the hour this weekend, that is now two episodes you will remain behind because the clock says so.
Watch a 1 Hour TV Show
Many shows, especially ones exclusive to streaming services, are closer to an hour long. That hour lost could be used to watch a full episode. Perhaps you have a show that came out in the week you missed because you have been busy and you sit down late Saturday night to finally catch up and see what everyone is talking about, only to miss out because the time change took the hour away from you. That episode will now have to wait another day, or you can stay up and be more tired the next day.
Read a Few Chapters of a Book
Perhaps you want to lay in bed and not sleep yet and you aren't a TV person, so a book may be the way for you to go. With an hour you could read a few chapters, and depending on the book you may want to read more than that. By losing that hour, those pages will wait to be read. That daylight saving time cost you to find out what happens next, at least for another day.
Enjoy a Midnight Snack
Technically it would be a 2 AM snack, but it counts. Sometimes late at night, you can get the munchies, and you could spend some time enjoying a bowl of ice cream, some cookies, or some other delicious treat that you most likely don't need but want. In this case, the time change may help you keep the sweets out of your stomach, but let's be honest, you rather have that treat sitting in your belly. You can thank the time change for not getting to enjoy it.
Having a Middle of the Night Meal at Shari's
Not a lot of places are open in the middle of the night in Twin Falls, but one of the places that is, is Shari's. You could have a nice warm pie in the middle of the night, or enjoy a plate of breakfast food or dinner, depending on what you are craving. You could still go, but that time change will mess up your schedule and may have you second-guessing your meal or pie, and staying home instead.
Grocery Shopping at WinCo
One of the best times to go grocery shopping in Twin Falls is the middle of the night, and one of the few places you can go to is WinCo. There is nobody out, meaning you can park near the door, you have the isles all to yourself, no line at the checkout, and no crowds at all. That hour you lose this weekend could have been spent getting all your grocery shopping done for the week crowd-free, but now you will never have that hour to shop. This is one more reason the time change needs to go away.

While you will never get that hour back, and you will likely be asleep or on the couch when the change happens, it is interesting to think what you could have done if you had that hour. Arizona and Hawaii will sit back and laugh this weekend while all the other states are forced to adjust to springing forward an hour. Make sure to change your clock and don't forget. At least nowadays, most update themselves, but for those that don't change them Saturday before you go to bed.
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