7 Ways to Prepare in Idaho if World War 3 Breaks Out
The world is in a scary time these days. There is a world pandemic, scary bugs are traveling across the world, and an invasion taking place overseas. Many are scared of what could happen and have questions on what to do if a nuclear war were to break out. While there may be no possible way to see when an attack would come or if the people of Idaho would be hit, it is always best to prepare and think ahead just in case. Here are some ways to prepare and protect yourself and your family, if a nuclear war does occur.
Building a Bunker is a Great Idea
If a nuclear war does indeed break out, having a bunker to escape to is a priority. While it may cost a decent amount to have one installed in your backyard or house, it may be one of the best investments you ever make. The biggest issue other than the cost would be if you could have one completed in time before something happens.
Stocking Up On Food and Necessities
For those that have a bunker, or decide to stay in and hope for the best, you will want to stock up on the things you will need. Make sure you have a good stock of toilet paper, canned food, bottled water, and have everything you might need to spend a decent amount of time locked up in the house or your bunker.
Get a Passport and Leave the Country
With the odds increasing that the United States will get involved overseas, is it smart to move to another country? Which country to move to is a question as well. If a war does break out, it might be worth looking into heading to Canada, or the best bet to remain safe is to move to Antarctica.
Stay In The Country, Move to a Safer State
If you don't have a passport or don't want to leave the United States, maybe look to a state you think would be safe from being attacked. I have often joked with friends and family, that if a war broke out I would move to North Dakota. I have never met anyone from there and it rarely is mentioned in the news. Idaho seems pretty safe, but going to more isolated areas may help you feel safer. If you want to see the effects of a nuclear bomb dropped on a major city and if the effects would reach us, make sure to check out this interactive map.
Get Your Ammo, Guns, and Weapons Ready
While the most likely scenario and threat to Idaho if a war breaks out are nuclear weapons, it isn't a bad idea to be prepared for anything. Loading up on ammo, more guns, and anything else you think you may need is smart. Hopefully, it would never come to this, but it is good to be ready if it does.
Pray and Hope for the Best
For anyone religious, it is a better time than any to start praying. For those that aren't religious, this might be time to start thinking about it. If war does break out, leaning on faith, prayer and hope will be something needed to make it through each day and to put yourself at more ease.
Let Everything Playout and Do Nothing
The most likely scenario that most of us will do, is to just sit back and wait and see what happens. Hopefully, no nuclear war breaks out, and all the stressing is for nothing. Nobody knows what the future holds, but all most of us can do is sit back and watch and wait.

If a war does break out, make sure you are prepared and do what you think is best for you and your family. Keep up on the news and hope and pray for the best. The best-case scenario is that nothing ever occurs on US soil, but until that day, keep living life and don't let it ruin your days.
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