10 Candies We Love and Get on Halloween, But Never Buy in Twin Falls
Halloween is fast approaching and some places have already held trunk or treat events, which means many of us soon will end up with cavities, stomach aches, and possibly diabetes. Despite all the bad that comes from eating candy, we will still eat all that our kids collect or whatever we don't hand out. One of the best parts about Halloween is looking into a bucket and seeing the candies you love, but the ones for some reason you never buy. Here are the top candies many of us enjoy, but only get at Halloween because we never buy them for some odd reason.
When trick or treating is done and parents are searching through their child's candy bucket, dots is something that almost every parent instantly takes for themselves. Most people seem to enjoy dots, one of the first candies eaten each year, but nobody ever seems to buy them throughout the year. They are so delicious, yet we wait a whole year to have a little box of them.
Sugar Babies
Sugar babies are delicious, despite always sticking to your mouth. I have never met anyone that buys them regularly, but when you see them in your child's Halloween bucket, you go for them. The kids can have the suckers, but the packs are a part of the candy tax.
Arcor Strawberry Candies
For some reason, nobody seems to know where to buy the Arcor strawberry candies, but almost everyone claims their grandparents had them in their house growing up. Wherever grandma was buying them, she needs to share her secret, because they are good. The combination of hard candy with that juice in the middle is great, but most of us only experience them on Halloween.
100 Grand
100 Grand might be the most underrated chocolate bar. The combination of Carmel melts in your mouth and these things are often eaten before Halloween night is over, yet when many of us buy chocolate bars we buy Hershey's, Snickers, Twix, or 3 Musketeers. Why is 100 Grand so good, but we only eat the mini ones that are given to our children while trick or treating?
Mr. Goodbar
It seems like every year, every Halloween bucket is full of mini Mr. Goodbars. They are delicious and easy to eat on the go. Many of us enjoy them and eat them quickly before other family members can get to them. If they are so good that we race to consume them, then somebody should buy them, yet nobody ever does.
Milk Duds
Milk Duds are one of those candies that people love or hate. They taste good, they are the kind of candy you can savor and suck on or chew, but odds are the remains will be in your mouth for days after. The only time anybody eats them is when they find them in a Halloween bucket or at the movie theatre, and typically most of us are eating popcorn instead of these yummy treats.
Lemonheads do not make good Halloween candy for small kids, which makes them perfect for adults to keep for themselves. They are great to suck on throughout the day and taste delicious. These are the perfect candies to have on your desk at work and enjoy throughout the day, yet nobody seems to purchase them. Maybe you get so many from your child's Halloween bucket that the haul holds you over until the following year, but some of us aren't that lucky.
As a parent, finding runts in your child's Halloween bag or bucket brings joy. They are hard candies that little ones can choke on, making it easy to confiscate from them, and the combinations of hard candy with fruity flavors make for a delicious treat in your mouth. Chew them, suck on them, it doesn't matter, runts are good, but how often do you buy them? When is the last time you had runts? Hopefully, your child brings some home to you this Halloween.
Smarties are one of the most popular candies for kids and most of us had a fair share growing up. It isn't until you think about it that you realize, did you or your parents ever buy them? Usually, you got them from trick or treating, a candy bowl at school or church, or handed out at a fair or someplace else. Unless they came in a big bag candy variety pack, odds are you have never bought smarties.
Mike and Ikes
Most of us think of skittles or starburst when we think of fruity candy, but Mike and Ike have been around for a long time and are delicious. Most of us bypass them on the candy aisle for the bigger brands, but when you have the opportunity to have some Mikes and Ikes, odds are they are eaten fairly quickly.

There are many delicious candies out there, and while Halloween is often the one time we allow our kids to get a sugar high and stomach ache from it, we often benefit as well. We enjoyed these candies as kids and enjoy them still as adults, but despite the freedom and money to buy them ourselves now, many of us stick to the bigger brands, often missing out on these delicious sugary treats. Enjoy searching through your child's candy collection this Halloween, and hopefully, you land the jackpot and see many of these being consumed by you in the days that follow.
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