Burglary, Theft and Vandalism Crime Rates Up in Jerome
Jerome Police have released some stats on crime for the month of March and it looks like some of the numbers are up.
In February, Jerome reported 27 Crimes against Property. That number is up to 62 for the month of March.
Here's how Jerome Police define crimes against property.
Crimes in which the objective is to obtain money, property, or some other benefit. This category of crime included offenses such as robbery, bribery, burglary and theft. Vandalism crimes also fall into this category. - Jerome Police
Crimes against persons and society were also up.
These numbers can go up and down from month to month so this doesn't necessarily suggest that there's a trend. Also note that along with the increased number of incidents, Jerome is reporting an increased number of arrests.
You can review both reports on the Jerome Police Department's Facebook page.