Bird Box Challenge Too Strange To Be True
Ok, we seriously can't figure out if this is a joke or not, but it is too bizarre not to share. A man in Southern Nevada is trying to put together a Bird Box Challenge where people travel 85 miles blind folded.
The man from Pahrump, NV said there will be a $5,000 reward to the first person that makes it from there to Baker California blindfolded. Now, we can't seem to find any information on it, but he claims it will be in March and televised. He even says you can walk or drive. DRIVE?! WHAT!
He also said it is in the incredibly early stages of planning and can't release any more information on it. This can't be real right? Who would attempt to travel roughly 85 miles through the desert blind folded? No, this can't be real.
We will keep you updated if we figure out more information on it. Would you do it?