Beware: New Peanut Butter Ingredient Could Kill Your Dogs
I know we are constantly talking about our pets and that is because they are so important to us. We love them and they love us and we would be heartbroken if anything were to harm our furry friends. Our pets are so important to us that scientists are trying to find ways to make them live longer. Idahoans love dogs so much that we actually have more houses with dogs than any other state. Some people love cats and dogs so much that, despite allergies or possibilities of sickness, they still cuddle them. We buy them specialty foods, treats, and all sorts of chew and squeaky toys but one of the basic treats we give them could end up killing them.
Since becoming a dog owner I have learned so much. I used to think you could basically feed a dog anything they wanted. Now we know that some dogs can't eat chocolate, grapes are bad for their kidneys, and poultry bones are also a hazard to their health. Now another danger comes in the form of delicious peanut butter as noted by the Veterinary Centers of America. As far back as 2015, in an effort to make a peanut butter with less calories taste sweet, Xylitol has been added to some brands. This sugar substitute is is toxic to dogs and could cause liver damage or end up killing them. Xylitol is also found in other products like sugar free gum, Altoids, some food condiments, protein and drink powders, and toothpastes.
Good news is that not all peanut butter contains Xylitol so you can just be wary of low calorie or sugar-free products when giving treats to your dogs. If your dogs eats Xylitol take them to your vet as soon as possible. Xylitol is not dangerous to cats or other common household pets according to the VCA.

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