Why it is Best to Work Away From Home in Idaho
For anyone that works, we all dream of one day being able to work from home. It would be nice to stay in your pajamas, use your bathroom and kitchen, and be comfortable all day while getting your work done. Many people experienced this a few years ago when the pandemic began, and for some, it works and for others it doesn't, but the part of not having to get up and get dressed in work clothes is something we can all agree is a nice luxury. While working from home can be a dream come true, in some states it works better than in others. What states are the best to work from home, which are the worst, and how does Idaho compare to them all?
The Best and Worst States to Work From Home
Working from home is great in theory, but it isn't for everyone. Sometimes location can play a factor in this, and WalletHub recently released a list of the best and worst states to work from home and used categories such as work environment and living environment to do so. According to the list, Delaware is the best state to work from home in, followed by Utah and Maryland to round out the top three. The state with the best work environment is Washington DC, and the state with the best living environment is Georgia. According to the list, the worst state to work from home is Alaska, with North Dakota being second worst, and Montana rounding out the bottom three. The worst work environment in North Dakota, and the worst living environment is Hawaii.
Is Idaho a Good State to Work From Home?
While Idaho is far from being the worst state to work from home, it does rank worse than half the states in the country, coming in at 30. Idaho ranks at 37 for the work environment and 13 for the living environment. One thing that Idaho does have working for it, is that it has the fifth-lowest average retail price of electricity. Despite what the list says, during those long cold winters and icy road conditions, many of us much rather be home, off the road and safe by the heater at home while we work, instead of in a cold office after spending far too long and too much stress navigating the winter roads.

The list says Idaho isn't one of the best states to work from home, but it honestly comes down to your profession and preference. For many, myself included, working at home has too many distractions for us to focus on work in the way that we need to, making the office a better environment. For some, working from home may work best and be what they need to get their job done properly. It all comes down to the individual and what works best for you, but if you want the best working-from-home environment, Idaho likely isn't the place to be.
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