Who Said These Phrases: A Magic Valley Parent or Hunter?
This appears at first glance, a very easy thing to determine. You may be surprised how difficult this is.
1.) What kind of poop is that?!
- Parent - trying to determine if your creature created this
- Hunter - trying to determine if your creature created this
2.) Why do I have to get up so early?
- Parent - on every day off and especially Christmas
- Hunter - getting to where you need to go before first light, that's why
3.) Where are all these tracks coming from?
- Parent - dirty feet, is it poop, mud, leftovers from dinner the night before all over the house?
- Hunter - where are these animals bedding down at?! I need to know!
4.) What is that smell?
- Parent - dirty diapers, playing in manure, did these kids play with a skunk?!
- Hunter - have you ever hit a gut bag?
5.) You need to be quiet!
- Parent - in a movie theater, at a nice dinner; pretty much anywhere in public where a kid gets anxious and wants to be a kid
- Hunter - Seriously! Shut up! The animals are going to hear you!
See, it's harder that it looks. Spoiler Alert: these phrases have been said by both hunters and parents.