Twin Falls Spicy Wings Defeat Another; Stop Watching ‘Hot Ones’
While eating out Wednesday night at the Twin Falls Buffalo Wild Wings, the attention of many patrons was diverted once again to a local man seated at a table appearing very confident. Then came the plate and siren.
I've thought about taking the Buffalo Wild Wings Carolina Reaper Challenge many times. My problem isn't the sauce, it's the fact that I don't like crowds watching me while I eat. I'm a big fan of spicy foods, but in recent years, my body has started speaking to me.
I've lived on the spicy food edge for most of my life. From hot wings to spicy Kung Pao Chicken, I love it all. A few years ago, the acid reflux bug bit me. While I've been able to manage my symptoms better thanks to proton pump inhibitors, I still find myself unable to resist certain spicy temptations.
For those that are unfamiliar with the Blazin Challenge, those that attempt it have five minutes to eat 10 wings smothered in the hottest sauce the restaurant offers. Usually, the manager and one or two other staffers come to the challenger's table with a flashing siren and a cup of water. The event is always a head-turner.
The man ultimately got two wings in and surrendered. He offered me one, as I was sitting right next to his table watching a hockey game. I ate one, and it was indeed hot. If the stakes were higher, and say a $100 gift card was given out instead of a T-shirt, I'd probably give it a go.
One of my favorite shows that I watch is called "Hot Ones." A host asks celebrities questions while they eat hot wings that get gradually spicier as they go. Some of the reactions are priceless. Occasionally, the wheels come completely off. Check out this clip of rock God Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters running the gamut.
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