UPDATE: Twin Falls Canal Company: Water Deliveries Could Be Cut Even More
UPDATE: The Twin Falls Canal Company Board of Directors have decided to hold off on making a decision on whether or not to drop flows to 1/2 inch per share and wait for a week. General Manager Jay Barlogi said the United States Geological Survey measured river flows near Blackfoot again on Thursday and the Water District number 1 Accounting was updated revealed that there was a small gain in water. However, Barlogi said in an email it would not be enough to overcome a shortfall from earlier in the week. The water provider will wait a week and re-evaluate the situation on August 20. In the meantime, Barlogi said presumably the demand for water will go down and the natural flow should improve, which may not warrant the need to cut shares.
"It is important to keep our Water Users abreast of the situation, and to also remind them all that we are all in this together, and together we will get out of it. As Water Users finish watering crops or are between crop watering’s we urge everyone to call the Ditch Rider and have your water turned off. Working together to conserve our water supply will not only help us all to finish our 2021 crop, but it will go a long way to prepare four our 2022 crop," wrote Barlogi in an email.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX)-The Twin Falls Canal Company is looking at the possibility of reducing water deliveries to irrigators even more after having to cut deliveries earlier this year based on Snake River flows.
In a brief announcement August 11, the canal company said Snake River gauge measurements by the United States Geological Survey near Blackfoot show a lower natural flow of the amount of water. Although the adjustment is being questioned, the Board of Directors for the Twin Falls Canal Company may have to cutback water deliveries at the headgate diversions from 5/8 of an inch per share to 1/2 inch per share. Jay Barlogi, Twin Falls Canal Company General Manager said, "Huge surprise to us." He said the Board and staff wanted their customers to know as soon as possible that there may be a reduction in water delivery again. It will be at least a few days before any decision is made.
Barlogi said they will make it to the end of growing season, but with less water. If another cut happens, it'll be more than a 30 percent reduction since the beginning of the irrigation season. He said the heat, high demand, low flows and drought is contributing to the current situation. Barlogi said most of the water rights the canal company has relies on natural flowing water, not water stored in reservoirs. Because natural water flows are dropping the Twin Falls Canal Company system is feeling the impact.
The situation is being monitored closely and those impacted will be notified as soon as anything changes.

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