If you're one of those people who refuses to use a turn signal, this is my plea to get you to use it at this one intersection in Twin Falls.

And those that do signal, often wait until... The... Very... Last... Second

Seriously, you don't have to use it anywhere else. (Even though you really should.) But this is the one intersection in Twin, where it really makes a difference.

I'm talking about Washington Street, just south of Addison.  Here, southbound traffic in the outside lane has a choice to either continue south, or take a banana left (southeast) onto 2nd Avenue.

The challenge here is that drivers rarely indicate their intentions at this intersection; leaving northbound traffic stuck at the stop sign, waiting for cars that MIGHT turn, but half the time wind up continuing south on Washington.

Google Maps
Google Maps

And those that do signal, often wait until... The... Very... Last... Second, to finally flip on their blinker. At that point, it's too late. It's like my college buddy who didn't tell me his co-worker was crazy until after I started dating her. Too late.  The damage is already done.

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