The Biggest Issue in Idaho That Trump Needs to Fix First
It has been a long time coming, but the new president is set to be sworn in next week, and many in Idaho are excited. A change in the White House often brings change across the country. Sometimes this change is good, and other times it isn't good, but either way, Americans sit with anticipation to see what the new regime will do. As the changes take place in Washington DC this month, many changes also need to occur in Idaho. There are many things that Idahoans would like Trump to step in and help out with, but there is one issue that needs to be resolved immediately before anything else.
The Biggest Issue in Idaho
While gas prices have come down, some would argue them needing to come down more is the biggest issue, while others will argue the cost of groceries or fixing the economy. While these are all valid points and concerns, the biggest issue that needs to be fixed in Idaho is human trafficking. The Magic Valley, specifically Twin Falls, has become a hotbed for human trafficking, and it is alarming how much of it is happening without residents being aware, despite it being all around them. It makes it scary for women to go anywhere alone, and for children to play outside, and makes for an unsafe living area when there is a concern of trafficking happening in the area.
Human Trafficking in Twin Falls
Over the last five months, seven different massage parlors have been raided and shut down. The common perception is that these places were offering illegal activity and were offering prostitution, which was happening, but that is not why these places were shut down. If only accused of prostitution, it would be a misdemeanor and these places would still be in business. These massage parlors were shut down due to sex trafficking in the Magic Valley, and when considering the population, seven places is a high amount. These have been public cases of women working against their will and being trafficked, but they are not the only ones taking place in the area. It has become a major concern in the Magic Valley, and while authorities are doing a great job, they could use more help as well.

President Trump will have plenty on his plate when he enters the White House on January 20, but for Idaho residents, we ask that stopping human trafficking in the Gem State become a priority sooner rather than later. It needs to be one of the first issues resolved in Idaho, before getting to the other issues that need to be fixed.
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