Each person gets one day a year that they feel special. When the calendar flips to your birthday, no matter what age you are, it is always a special day. You get presents and cake, people are nice to you, and overall the day feels more special than others. When you are a kid, this is especially true. It is the day you go to school and everyone seems to be nice to you and celebrating your special day, or perhaps your mom or dad will allow you to have the day off to enjoy time at home or do something fun. Having a birthday as a kid is the best, and when it falls on a school day you want to celebrate with your classmates, but one teacher might have ruined that for every child in Idaho.

Celebrating Birthdays at School in Idaho

Credit: Wavebreakmedia
Credit: Wavebreakmedia

For many kids, it is an exciting day to go to school on their birthday. Many of their classmates wish them a happy birthday, the teachers seem a little nicer that day, and it is tradition to bring a treat to celebrate with your classmates. While you have to be careful what you take due to food allergies, the most common snack that parents like to take is cupcakes. It doesn't matter if they are bought from a store or made from home, almost every child likes cupcakes. Yes, they can be messy, but they are essentially like little birthday cakes, making them the perfect snack to take to school. One video that has gone viral recently though, may ruin this tradition for children and could make kids in Idaho upset. 

No Cupcakes for Birthdays in Idaho Schools

A recent video of a teacher in Illinois has gone viral on TikTok when the teacher asked parents to stop bringing cupcakes for birthdays, as they are too messy and kids don't know what to do with them. She instead recommended other foods like cookies, donuts, or other snacks. What kid doesn't know how to eat a cupcake? While, yes, they are messy, saying an elementary-aged child doesn't know how to eat a cupcake is absurd. If a teacher requests no cupcakes, parents should acknowledge and respect the request, but if a child wants cupcakes for their birthday, then shouldn't they be able to take cupcakes? It is their special day after all. To see the video, you can watch it above. 

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As of now, there is no rule against cupcakes, but could other teachers follow the one in the video and ask parents to stop bringing them for birthdays and request cleaner and more simple foods? At the end of the day, the birthday boy or girl should get to decide, but some teachers would rather have a clean room, than a happy one. If your child's birthday falls on a school day this year, check with the teacher before bringing cupcakes or anything else to celebrate this year.

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