The 957 KEZJ studio has been my home every morning for the past 11 years. Earlier this year I decided it was simple time to move on. Insert bowling ball in my stomach here.
Every company offers their employee's sick days. Some company's even offer mental health days.
I use my sick days for when my kids are sick, and I would never have the nerve to call in and ask for a mental health day. I would however consider using a "I fought with my spouse last night" day.
If your birthday isn't in December you probably have a friend or family member with a December birthday. Here are 15 things only they will understand about having a birthday in December:
Spencer's Own joined The Morning Show with Brad and Jackie this morning. Quinn, Nate, Morgan, Jordon and Nic all squeezed in the studio to tell Brad and Jackie about their new song, "Livin' in the Moment".
Their new song is available for download right now
Our phones serve many purposes. There our calendar, entertainment for our kids, our email head quarters, shopping devices and of course we use our phones to avoid talking to people around us.
I've had bad neighbors in the past so, I understand how draining they can be. But, I would never consider moving because of them. That seems extreme, right?
Have you ever said something you didn't mean to? Or, maybe you sent an email that you wished you could un-send. Watch Brad and Jackie Skype with Jack and Arielle.
Arielle may have accidentally called Brad and Jackie something other than hosts, and Jack always sends two emails when sending an attachment...
Women aren't just attracted to men because of the way they look. Apparently, men are capable lots of things that make them attractive to the opposite sex.