It is Far too Soon for Halloween Spirit in the Magic Valley
Despite school starting and most people looking ahead to fall, summer continues. There hasn't been a holiday since the Fourth of July, and Labor Day is approaching soon, but already stores are looking toward the next major holiday, despite it being over two months away. It is common for stores to clear out products when a holiday ends and replace them with the next one, but is there such a thing as doing it too soon? Some stores in the Magic Valley have begun pushing Halloween products, and not everyone is ready for the holiday spirit yet.
Stores Selling Halloween Products in Twin Falls
Select stores in Twin Falls have already begun selling Halloween products, and have been since the beginning of August. For those bad at math or calendars, that is nearly three months before the holiday occurs. It has been a while since a major holiday, and stores are looking to fill endcaps and the holiday sections of their stores, but there should be something else that can go in these places. Nobody is looking to buy a Halloween costume in August and if somebody buys candy now, it will be long gone before the holiday gets here, or likely be bad by then. Costco has begun selling costumes and decorations and has been for weeks, and stores like Hobby Lobby have had select Halloween decorations available.
When Should Stores Start Focusing on Halloween?
Perhaps there needs to be a new holiday between the Fourth of July and Halloween to fill the gap, but with that unlikely to happen, the question is, when is the appropriate time for stores to put out Halloween products? The Spirit of Halloween store in Twin Falls has their sign-up, but hasn't opened, which should be a sign that it is too soon right now. After Labor Day seems like a good time, as it gives stores two months to sell holiday items. This gives people plenty of time to search for a costume, as well as buy decorations they need for any haunted house they are building or for their home. Anything they would need before that, they can likely find online or in a party store.

While Halloween is some people's favorite holiday and they can't wait for it to get here, that doesn't mean August isn't too soon to shop. One of the reasons the holiday is so special is the anticipation and it only being one night out of the year. Halloween spirit will spread throughout Twin Falls and the Magic Valley, but first, let's let summer end, school get into the swing of things, and let Labor Day pass. The spooky fun is fast approaching, don't push it before we are ready.
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