Magic Valley Regional Airport Reducing Flights Starting Nov. 1st
The city of Twin Falls has made the announcement that due to lack of passengers and financial issues, flights coming in and out of the Magic Valley Regional Airport will be reduced to one per day.
Going in and out of Salt Lake City typically has a few options. Now there will only be one incoming and one outgoing flight per day. The flights to Denver will also remain as one incoming and one outgoing.
The change will go into effect November 1st and it is unclear how long it will last. I imagine at least through part of the winter. According to the news release, the lack of passengers and lull in travel is the cause of the change. However, I am not sure how it is going to work with the holiday season coming up and many people traveling to see family and friend.
Starting November 1st the flight from Salt Lake City to Twin Falls will be 11:30 am departure and arrival of 12:30 pm.
The flight from Twin Falls to Salt Lake City will be a 1:20 pm departure time arrival at 2:13 pm.
Denver to Twin Falls will depart at 12:10 pm with arrival at 2:08
The flight from Twin Falls to Denver will depart at 2:45 pm with arrival at 4:40 pm.
You can read more information provided by the City of Twin Falls at their website by clicking here.
Hopefully the change is short lived and more flights come back soon.

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