Jerome School District Delays Classes; Require Masks
According to the Jerome School District website, the Jerome Superintendent Dale Layne made the announcement that the school year will be delayed until September 8th. When school does return masks will be required.
In the announcement it states that the South Central District Health Department and local doctors consulted with the board and it was determined that face coverings would be best to help protect teachers, students and staff.
The school year is going to be delayed so that staff and teachers can make schedule changes, especially if some parents decide to pull their students out of school or if parents decide to put their child in schools. Either way, there may be some serious decision changes from parents and the school wants to accommodate all schedule changes.
The start of school will be in the "yellow" category much like Twin Falls School District. Unless parents choose online learning options, all students will have face to face learning available.
Face masks or coverings will be required to cover the nose and mouth and must be worn in the school buildings. Exceptions will of course be when the student is eating and when the school administration determines social distancing can take place. There will be a break from the face mask every hour. If there is a medical reason a student or teacher cannot wear a mask, a document from a state licensed medical professional stating why it is a health risk will be needed and considerations or exceptions will be made on a case by case basis.
Read the full statement here.