Is the Baby Formula Shortage Ending? How it Affects Twin Falls
For all the moms out there that use a baby formula to feed their little ones, the struggle recently has been hard on many of them. The formula has been nearly impossible to come by, and if you can find some on the shelves, odds are it isn't the one you normally use or need. Target, Walmart, Costco, and every store in the area seems to find their shelves bare of baby formula right now, and options are running thin on how to feed babies healthily. There are some options out there, but soon those options may not be needed, as baby formula may soon fill the shelves of our local stores.
Why is There a Baby Formula Shortage?
The baby formula shortage has been taking place for a couple of months and began when Abbott, the largest baby formula manufacturer in the United States, shut their doors after being investigated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This shut down and investigation happened after a recall on some of their formula caused multiple babies to get sick, causing the death of a couple as well. Many moms are unable to breastfeed for different reasons and rely on formula to help supply their babies with the nutrition they need, and over time there wasn't enough supply for the demand. There are alternative routes that have been found to help compensate.
Where to Get Formula and Breast Milk
With formula being hard to come by in stores, there have been a few alternatives to how to get it or to get breast milk. While breastfeeding is the easiest and cheapest solution, not all moms can produce the same. Some other ways to get formula is to buy online, but with the supply low, the cost will be higher than what most are used to. Another route to go is some moms have been generous and have been giving formula away or selling it on Facebook markets at a cheap cost or normal cost. Parents helping parents is always a great option, but only happens as long as they have a supply. A different option is to buy breastmilk. This has been happening more and is a great way for some moms to make money, and for others to get the nutrients they need for their little ones.
Formula Shortage Possibly Ending Soon
Over the weekend, Abbott announced they will start production once again and expect to be stocking shelves again by June 20. Hopefully, with production starting up again, the shortage will be coming to an end soon, but don't be disappointed if it does take a little bit longer than the projected date. It may take a little bit longer than announced, but the hope is soon the shortage will be over and baby formula will be in full stock once again.

Parents can breathe a little easier knowing that the problem may be solved, but until that time comes, make sure to look into options to find whatever source you think is best for your precious little ones. It hasn't been easy on parents, but as they always do, they adapt and make it work one way or another. Hopefully, shelves will be full again sooner than later and the formula shortage will be a thing of the past here in Twin and everywhere else.
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