Free Summer Meals Offered By Twin Falls School District
It may seem like summer started back in March with the kiddos at home. But school is our tomorrow and that means it is going to be difficult for some families to feed their children. The Twin Falls School District has announce their summer meal services this year.
The summer meal services where children eat free starts tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. until noon. There will be breakfast and lunch combo meals. However, due to the COVID 19 outbreak it is still a Grab N Go service through June 30th. The meals will be offered until August 7th unless it needs to be extended.
Please note the school district said they will move to lunch only on July 1st and there will be no meals available for people on Memorial day, Monday May 26th and no lunch available on Friday July 3rd.
Pick up places for meals are all over the place:
- Bickel Elementary
- Harrison Elementary
- Lincoln Elementary
- Morningside Elementary
- Oregon Trail Elementary
- IB Perrine Elementrary
- Fawnbrook Apartments
You can also get meals from Canyon Ridge and South Hills Middle School June 15th through August 10th. Magic Valley High School 1st through June 18th and Lighthouse Christian School from May 26th through August 7th.
For more information check out the Twin Falls School District website.